Lets talk about waxing..

Okay.. so waxing. Sensitive subject, literally. But, necessary none the less! I have been getting my eyebrows waxed for 5 years now, since I was 14. It began because I didn’t want to mess my face up by accidently plucking too much, shaving them off, bleaching them or thinking thin eyebrows were a good idea… Thankfully this was around the time that thick brows became a fashion, and to my extreme relief have stayed a fashionable choice (thank you Cara Delevingne!) I find that waxing your eyebrows creates a lovely border that shapes your features perfectly. Especially with thick, dark brows, having a clear definition just enhances your eyes to the fullest!  

Told you my eyebrows were massive!
This is no make up and 2 hours after a wax.
I have only ever gone to one place to get my eyebrows done and have sworn to continue to do this until I am 90. My advice is to find a beauty salon with a good reputation and an obvious understanding of beauty and care. For example, the women at my salon know I can’t have the top of my eyebrows waxed because my skin is too sensitive and rips (it was not a good look for me when we found this out).  My eyebrow wax lasts about 3-4 weeks and in the end of the 4th week, the hairs start to show again.
So, as you may have noticed from the past few blog and Instagram posts, me, Emma and Lauren are all off on holiday! You may have guessed where this post is going now… yes, the dreaded BIKINI WAX. Dun Dun Duuuuuunnnnn! It was a last minute decision and considering I have never had a bikini wax before, the thought of getting my privates out for someone to rip the hair off was well… off putting to say the least. But the constant maintenance whilst away and the continuing worry that you aren’t looking too fine down there, was something I couldn’t be arsed with this year!
So my appointment was today. I admit, I was totally nervous, but it literally took 20 minutes. Things to remember:
-It’s their job, they really aren’t bothered about seeing you half naked!
- It hurts, but your body gets used to the pain, and think how much easier your holiday grooming will be!
-Make sure you trust the person and that they are using hot wax, not strips – no bruising and less pain!!
-Apparently it hurts less the more you do it.. i'll keep you posted on that one!
Love Erin x


  1. ive done the exact same! been to the exact same woman my whole life! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/08/verybeautytour-with-verycouk.html xx

  2. Its the only way to get the best beauty treatment! Would love to xx
