Honey, I'm home

After a week of being the world's shittest blogger, I've officially sorted my life out and got my arse back on to the internet! In the space of a couple of weeks I managed to get my phone stolen which left me Instagram-less (this affected me much more than I'd like to admit) and then moved to my new house in Bristol which left me temporarily wifi-less. But finallly I've got everything sorted and can impart my never ending wisdom on to all of you lovely freshers.

So here are the top things that I've learnt in my first week of being an official 2nd Year (essays that actually count, arghhhhh)

Get Involved. In my first year I dipped my toe in to a few things ... cocktail society, Northern society, English society, writing for various newspapers - but I never really committed myself to anything. This year I've thrown myself in at the deep end by working as Deputy Style Editor for Epigram Newspaper (cheeky plug for the Uni newspaper) and as geeky as it sounds, being part of a team is actually so much fun. Sometimes it can be really easy to get stuck in a rut at Uni and not venture far from the friends that you made in halls, especially if you do a humanities subject like me and have about 6 hours of Uni a week (doesn't exactly spare much time for bonding). So put yourself out there! Join a team or a club, make loads of new friends and find something that you're passionate about - it will make those times when you're stressed and home sick much more bearable.

Expect Hard Times. With everyone constantly banging on about how good freshers is and how exciting living away from home is, the fact that Uni is bloody hard can often be forgotten. For probably the first time in your life you're alone, living with complete strangers, maybe in a new city, and it can sometimes all feel a bit shit. You will get homesick. But it's ok! Everyone does, and the people who say they don't are probably lying. Everyone has those times where everything gets a bit much, but the most important thing is just to remember that it's temporary. The good times outweigh the bad times by ten fold - just get a good nights sleep and most things will seem unimportant by the morning.

Relax. In my first year I was so concerned with joining every society, getting work experience, finding a job etc etc etc, that I forgot to stop and actually enjoy it! You're only in Uni for 3 years and it goes soooo fast, so of course try and make the most of it work wise, but have fun too! It seems simple but it's easy to get caught up in all of the 'what am I going to do after Uni' stuff and not actually enjoy the time that you're a student. You get to lie in, drink a lot and eat loads of beans on toast, what's not to love??

Make you're room feel like home. This one is basically so that I can show off my pictures of my new room looking all cute and cosy (as cute and cosy as a student house can be).

Love always,

Emma xo

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